Contact: kurt@raintracks.com

Kurt is a family man, an amateur cook, learned sociologist, computer nerd, film freak, failed student of philosophy, rotten dancer, determined nice person, ardent eater of meat, translator, underdeveloped guitarist, TV addict, avid drinker of beer and whisky and musician.

Born in 1972, in New York USA, to a Scottish mother and a Bavarian father, he is known to be exceedingly upbeat and moderately lazy. He has lived in Germany for most of his life, and will probably continue to do so unless he should move to Scotland one day.
Besides the solo work presented here, he is also guitarist, co-vocalist and songwriter in the German band "Renz bei Rechner" (pic below).

Kurt is currently living in Germany, close to the university town of Tuebingen. A long time ago he studied philosophy, sociology and political science, the purpose of which will probably remain a mistery to him forever.

If you want to know more you surely will.
Listen to the songs - and if you like what you hear, contact Kurt and let him know: kurt@raintracks.com
If you like what you hear a lot, buy his CDs. You are bound to like them.